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Christmas Eve Candlelight Service 2021 Online Special Presentation

Due to COVID outbreaks and restrictions in our area, we were not able to proceed with our planned in-person Christmas Eve liturgies this year, but we are pleased to be offering this Candlelight Service online special presentation for Christmas Eve 2021.




It can be viewed below, or directly on Youtube.

Christmas Eve Candlelight Service 2021

Candlelight Service 2021 online Christmas Eve special presentation, from the Kentville United Baptist Church in Kentville, NS.


Includes familiar carols, the reading of the Christmas story, special music by Sanctuary Choir, tone chime ensemble, Art Aucoin and more. Christmas Eve message by our senior pastor, the Rev'd Dr. David Bielby, followed by the lighting of the Christ Candle.


Although we are unable to meet together in-person to joyfully celebrate the "Word made flesh" this Christmas Eve in the ways in which we are accustomed, our prayer is that each of you will be blessed and encouraged through this offering in these challenging COVID times.


So crank the volume and sing along with the carols...! Get a candle and light it during Silent Night...! And may your faith be inspired and renewed by Christmases past and present, with friends old and new from Kentville Baptist this Christmas Eve through music and the spoken word, as you take in this online Candlelight Service presentation, as you hear once again the story of Mary and Joseph, Bethlehem, angels, and shepherds, reminding us of God's love for us in the sending of His Son Jesus.


May the hope, peace, joy and love of the Advent season be yours. From all of us, to all of you, have a safe and Merry Christmas!


503 Main Street
Kentville, NS, B4N 1L4




Our aim is to grow up as Christ's Disciples, team up for a healthy Church and reach out to a hurting world.

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