Holy Week and Easter
The 40-day season of Lent comes to a conclusion during Holy Week. Please join us as we worship, reflect, and celebrate through this week - from marking Jesus triumphal entry in Jerusalem on Palm Sunday, the institution of the Lord's Supper on Maundy Thursday, the cross on Good Friday, and the empty tomb on Easter Sunday!

Palm Sunday
11:00 am
Celebrate with us as we enter into Holy Week! Children’s palm branch procession, singing of ‘hosanna songs’, special music by the Sanctuary choir.
Maundy Thursday
7:00 pm
Join us for a wonderful evening of worship, music, and sharing the Lord's Supper together. Special music from the Sanctuary Choir, praise team, and more. All welcome.

Good Friday
10:30 am
A service centred on the cross of Christ. Special music from the Sanctuary choir, praise team and more. All welcome.
Easter Sunday
11:00 am
Join us as we journey to the the empty tomb, as we joyfully celebrate the resurrection of Christ! Ministry in music by the Choir, leadership by the praise team. Nursery (unstaffed) and children’s programs available. All welcome.