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Some of the musical groups that are regular features of our worshipping life together, that present opportunities for involvement.

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Praise Team

Our praise team integrates music of the "contemporary Christian" genre into most of services, as part of a blended worship experience. Their contributions are always upbeat, and encouraging!  Our group includes many dedicated people from our congregation, and includes instruments such as electric and acoustic guitars, bass, drums, clarinet, violin, piano, and many different singers. Further interest may be explored by talking to our music director.


Sanctuary Choir

Our church has a longstanding choral tradition.  The choir is a key part of leading the congregational singing in our morning worship, and regularly prepares an anthem as part of the Sunday worship, and for other special events and services of worship in the life of our church (such as Maundy Thursday, Good Friday, or Christmas Eve). The choir normally presents a Christmas program in December.

We meet in the chapel for rehearsal on Wednesday evenings (Sept - June), normally from 7:30 - 9:00 pm, and each Sunday that we are singing at 10:30 am.


Tone Chimes

We are blessed to have 3 octave set of Suzuki tone chimes (similar to hand bells).  A number of ad hoc ensembles are formed throughout the year - groups practice and then present the piece of music in worship.  They also get regular use playing the hand bell part of some of the choral literature.

Rehearsals are normally held Sunday after worship.


503 Main Street
Kentville, NS, B4N 1L4




Our aim is to grow up as Christ's Disciples, team up for a healthy Church and reach out to a hurting world.

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