Advent and Christmas 2024
Please join for any of these services and events that are being planned, as we celebrate and prepare this Advent and Christmas season!

The First and Second Sundays of Advent
Join as we begin the Season of Advent on Sunday, December 1, 11 am. Special music by the Sanctuary choir, lighting of the candle of hope, and we receive your White Gifts toward our Christmas hamper ministry, and communion.
Join us on December 8, 11 am, for the Second Sunday of Advent. Special music by the Sanctuary Choir, the lighting of the candle of peace

Adventure Club Christmas Party and Youth Group Christmas Party
Last night of Adventure Club (our mid-week P-6 kids program) before Christmas break on Wednesday, December 4, starting at 6:15 pm!
Youth Group (grades 7-12) Christmas party on Thursday, December 19, 6:30 - 8:00 pm.
Lessons and Carols with the Sanctuary Choir and Friends - December 15
Join us the Third Sunday of Advent, on Sunday, December 15 at 11 am, for a presentation of music and readings for the season by the Sanctuary Choir and friends, that includes instrumentalists, ensembles, soloists, tone chimes, and the whole choir.

Christmas Eve Candlelight Service - December 24, 6:30 pm
Join us as we conclude Advent and joyfully begin the season of Christmas! Includes familiar carols and scripture readings, a message by our Senior pastor, lighting of the Christ Candle, and special music by Sanctuary Choir, tone chime ensemble, and more. All are welcome.

Other important dates:
Dec 9 - Ladies Auxiliary Christmas Party, 1:30 pm
Dec 10 - Ethel Fenerty WMS Christmas Party (ppd)
Dec 14 - Christmas Hamper delivery
Dec 18 - Choir Christmas party
Dec 22, 11 am - Sunday worship (Advent 4)
Information about everything here and all other December happenings is also published in the monthly calendar (available in the foyer and posted on church bulletin boards) and each week in the Bulletin.
Advent: Light in the Neighbourhood

New Year's Day Skating Party
Open to all in our church family, all the kids and their families and friends from Adventure Club, Sunday School, Youth Group and anyone else who would like to attend.
Free of charge, hosted at Kentville Arena on New Year's Day from 4 - 5 pm.
Hopeful Gifts for Change
We will once again be participating in the Hopeful Gifts for Change campaign. Watch the video for more information, or visit https://www.cbmin.org/hopeful-gifts-for-change/
Advent and Christmas 2024
Join us as we prepare, celebrate, and worship